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Home Advanced Python

Advanced Python – Object Oriented Concepts and Practice with real examples

Object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects. As a part of the course syllabus include core concepts and practices ralated to

Classes and Objects: Defining and using classes to create objects with properties and behaviors.


Creating new classes based on existing ones to inherit and extend their attributes and methods.


Encapsulation:Enclosing data and methods within a class to hide implementation details and provide abstraction.


The ability for objects of different classes to respond to the same method in different ways.

Method Overriding: Modifying or replacing inherited methods in a subclass to provide specialized behavior.
Method Overloading: Defining multiple methods with the same name but different parameter lists within a class.
Instance Variables: Variables specific to each instance of a class, holding unique data for each object.
Class Variables: Variables shared by all instances of a class, holding data common to all objects.
Abstraction: Simplifying complex systems by focusing on essential features and hiding unnecessary details.
Modularity: Breaking down a program into smaller, self-contained modules (classes) for better organization and maintenance.
Composition: Building complex objects by combining simpler objects as their components.
Association: Establishing relationships between objects to represent real-world associations or dependencies.
Dependency Injection: Providing dependencies to an object from external sources, enabling loose coupling and flexibility.
Static and Class Methods: Defining methods that can be accessed without creating an instance or by the class itself.
Multiple Inheritance: Inheriting from multiple parent classes to combine their attributes and behaviors.
Abstract Base Classes (ABCs): Defining abstract classes that cannot be instantiated but serve as templates for subclasses.

Course Structure

Review of Python Fundamentals

Conditional Statements and Looping statements, lists, strings, tuples, dictionary, Sets, working with functions (Library & User defined) ,exception handling, installation of Anaconda /VSCode/Colab platform

Object Oriented Programming in Python

Concept of class, object and instances, constructor, class attributes and destructors, real time use of class in live projects, inheritance, adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes and storing objects in Binary Files.

Database Interaction in Python

SQL Database connection, creating and searching tables, executing SQL commands (insert, update, delete and alter), programming using database connectivity

Text and Binary file operations in Python

Understanding read functions (read, readline and readlines) and write functions (write and writelines), manipulating file pointer using seek and tell, binary file creation and programming using pickle.load() and pickle.dump(), working with lists, tuples and objects in binary files

Use of Regular Expressions

Powerful pattern matching and searching, password, email, url validation using regular expression, pattern finding programs, finding and replacing strings

Sample Projects (Binary Files & SQL)

Bank Management System, Admission Process Handling System.

Course Duration

6 Weeks

Course Fees

INR 10,000