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Home Object Oriented Programming with Java

Object Oriented Programming with Java


Are you looking to learn a programming language Java?


With its simple syntax and powerful capabilities, Java is an excellent choice. Here are just a few reasons to support your decision of choosing java:


Widely Used: It is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used in everything from web development to mobile app development to large-scale enterprise applications.


Object-Oriented: Its an object-oriented language, which means it is designed to work with objects and classes. This makes it easier to write and maintain code, and also makes it more flexible and reusable.


Cross-Platform: It is a cross-platform language, which means that code written in Java can run on any platform that supports Java, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This makes Java a great choice for developing applications that need to work on multiple platforms.


High in Demand: Java developers are in high demand, with many companies looking for skilled Java programmers to build and maintain their applications. Learning it can open up many career opportunities in the tech industry.


Community Support: it has a large and active community of developers who share knowledge and resources. This means that there are many resources available online to help you learn Java and solve problems as you go.


Secure: It is one of the most secure programming languages, with built-in security features that can help protect your applications from attacks. This makes it a great choice for developing applications that handle sensitive data or financial transactions.


Versatile: It can be used to build a wide range of applications, from simple desktop applications to complex web applications and mobile apps. This versatility makes it a valuable skill to have in today’s tech industry.


Future-Proof: It has been around for over 25 years and is still going strong. It is constantly evolving and improving, with new features and updates being released regularly. Learning Java now means you’ll have a valuable skill that will continue to be in demand for many years to come.


Scalable:It is a highly scalable language, which means that it can handle large and complex applications. This makes it a great choice for building enterprise-level applications that need to handle high traffic and large datasets.


It’s a great choice for both beginners and experienced programmers alike. Start your journey today with EduPlusOne !

Course Structure

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

Concepts of objects and classes, basic pillars of object-oriented programming : abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism

Java Programming Basics

Java program structure, compiling and executing a simple application, types of variables, primitive types, type promotion and type casting rules

Arrays and Strings

Implementing 1-D and 2-D arrays, role of arrays class, implementing dynamic arrays using vector class, string class, important string methods, String Buffer class

Defining Classes and Object Creation

Defining classes and access modifiers, creating objects, role of constructors, accessing instance fields and methods, local variables vs instance fields, mutable and immutable objects, command-line arguments, reading input from console using scanner class, Use of static and final keywords, method overloading, objects as parameters to methods and object class

Polymorphism and Inheritance

Extending classes and role of super keyword, method overriding (super type vs sub-type relationships), abstract methods and classes, interfaces (class vs interface), nested and inner classes

Exception Handling Mechanism

Exception basics and types, catching exception, custom exceptions

Course Duration

6 Weeks

Course Fees

INR 10000